Tuesday, December 31, 2013

More Zen Doodling - I'm addicted

Sorry, but I just can't stop myself from doing these doodle art drawings. It's "hands" down one of the best forms of free entertainment for me these days!


Monday, December 30, 2013

Oh Peacock Feathers!

I got inspired to do another doodle. In honor of the beautiful bird from which my favorite colors come from!  I love the colors of the Peacock. Those colors also happen to be from the ocean and I just love them. They make me feel so peaceful. Of course, I just doodled it in purple. That seems to be my favorite pen to doodle with.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Update - Personally Designed Water Bottle

Okay, I really wasn't thrilled with my previous water bottle design. (Go here to see it.) So I re-did it. It really needed to be more bold and I like it much better now! Click here to order from CafePress.


 It looks really cute on the water bottle. I think I need to give these to my girlfriends for Christmas!


Doodle Time Again!

Here's a mini-zen art.  I love 'doodling! It is such a stress reliever.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

New Water Bottle Design!

So, I decided to create a new design to use on the Stainless Steel Water Bottle that I had recently done. (See Dec. 3, 2013 Post) I wanted to a retro-look like a 50's ad. I'm not sure I *LOVE* it, but I put it out there anyway. I'll see how much response I get from it and if it doesn't go over too well, I'll probably tweak it. What do you think? If you like it and want to purchase it on the stainless steel water bottle, just click here.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Holiday Poinsettia Cupcakes

I was invited to a Christmas Dinner party this past weekend and needed to bring an entree and a dessert. I wanted to make something festive, so this is what I did.  I got this idea from that awesome book "What's New Cupcake" by Karen Tack. It's available on Amazon.com. (That's an affiliate link - I think!) I have made these before for Thanksgiving, but made them yellow and orange to look like mums. Here's the tutorial to make these cupcakes.

They are so easy to make!  The flower 'petals' are actually miniature marshmallows. First you just ice your cupcakes in white frosting. Then you cut each individual marshmallow diagonally across from corner to corner with kitchen scissors.
When you do this, it automatically makes the shape of a flower petal.

The inside of the marshmallows are super sticky. Just let them fall into a bowl of red sugar and the sugar will stick to the cut part of the marshmallow.
Then just start sticking them on the cupcake. Start with the outer ring first and work your way in. 
First row
Next row
After the last row (there will be room for about three rows), add some mini candy covered chocolates to the center.  They are adorable and they taste really good, too. Of course I waited until the last minute to work on these and ran out of time to do them all. I went ahead and did several and then just put sugar sprinkles on the rest. It was still enough to make a nice presentation! Everyone loved them!

If you make any, I'd love to see photos and let me know how they turned out!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Personally designed "water" bottles

I designed these babies for a recent cruise my husband and I took. They got a lot of looks and I think I could have sold them a few times. I made a strap for each one so we could sling them over our shoulder. They came in handy when we went to the beach. We decided that they may have been more appropriately titled "There's a chance this is water."  heeheehee
Buy me!                                     

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Embedded Pin It! button for Pinterest

If you see anything you'd like to Pin onto Pinterest, just hover over the photo and a Pin It! button will appear. Voila! Easy as that!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Vintage Jewelry...ahhh!!!

I Love Vintage Jewelry!

I've been reminiscing about when I was making Vintage-Look Jewelry and dug out these photos. It's only been about a year and a half since I was able to make anything but it seems like FOREVER! I moved out of my hometown last year and I do not have the room in my new location to set my studio back up.  I basically shut down my Esty store when I moved (it's still there, but there's nothing for sale...sigh!)  These are some of the best sellers and most favorited pieces I had in my shop. Maybe I'll figure out a way to reopen my shop in the spring!

This bee cuff is still one of my favorites!

I love the Steampunk Look of this with the gears and clockface

More Steampunk look on this necklace

Again with the Steampunk look - I'm seeing a pattern here

Simply Vintage - These earrings are so romantic
This yellow rose necklace is very Victorian inspired

Persimmon Rose Vintage Necklace
Persommon Rose Brass Cuff Bracelet




Monday, November 25, 2013

Win a $15 Michael's Craft Store gift card!

Be the FIRST member to sign up on my Blog and you'll win a $15 Gift Card to Michael's Craft Store! Yay!


Interview with Jewel Maven

Interview with Simply Pinteresting Blog Writer -

Q: What is your passion?

A: I love to create things! Pretty much anything. I love to shop, though I rarely purchase things because I always think I could just make it myself.  If I had the room, I'd have an honest-to-God woodwork shop and über craft studio. I would probably spend all my time there if I had those. Some day......

Q: What is your favorite creative outlet?

A: That's a tough one! I have so many things I love to do. It's really a curse because I'm constantly flitting from one thing to another. If I was really pressed to pick only one thing.... I guess I'd have to say it's singing. Wait, is that really a "creative outlet"? Hmm. Okay, so instead of singing I'd have to say photography. Love it! I'd easily do that full-time if I had more actual photography equipment.

Q: You mentioned you would like to have a woodworking shop.  Have you ever built anything?

A:  When I was 8-1/2 months pregnant, I built a changing table and clothes/shoe rack for my baby. That was my first real experience with building something useful. I had a lot of pride in those pieces. Later, I learned to use actual power tools and I built my bedside tables. We're still using them. They are exactly what I wanted! It is still cool to look at them and know I built them all by myself. I think I'll look for the photos from when I built them and post them here.

Q: Do you feel a little silly doing a Blog Interview when you know that absolutely no one will see it (except you)?

A: Yep.

Q: I mean, you have no followers at all. None.  Not a single one.

A: Yes, that's exactly why I feel silly. I could elaborate, but then that would be more silly because no one will ever see this.

Q: Okay, then. I guess, I can't really waste any more time here.

A: I can't say I blame you. I can't either.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Boring Office chair gets much needed update

I got tired of my b-o-r-i-n-g office chair, so I gave it a makeover. I couldn't be happier with the end result. One of these days I need to photo document some of my makeovers and craft projects so I can do tutorials of them. What do you think?


Monday, November 4, 2013

Zen Doodle

I love to doodle. Did this a few days ago. It is really therapeutic!



Tuesday, October 29, 2013

This is too cute.  Happy Halloween!

This was my Halloween Costume this year. I went as box of Theater Popcorn.  I had already designed my costume before I was told that it was going to be an '80's themed Halloween party. So, I just slapped a movie poster from 1986 on it and voila' it became and '80's costume!  I had a lot of great response from it!  It was fun to wear, but not very mobile.